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Buyer’s Guide

We have great respect for the importance of purchasing a home and do not take it lightly. We listen intently to your goals, consider all factors, and research extensively the neighbourhoods, statistics, and property features that might suit you.

Photo by Bloc 53 Developments

We want you to make a great investment that suits your family and we will always give our honest, unbiased opinion to protect and prioritize your best interests.

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The first step in any home purchase is determining where you stand for financing. Before you start looking at homes with a real estate agent, it makes sense to establish your price range. This is true whether you are buying your first or fifth home. Engage the services of a mortgage broker or bank to determine your eligiblity, current interest rates and maximum purchase price. Also consider your current expenses and commitments to determine what you are comfortable spending on a mortgage. Just because you are approved for a certain max purchase amount doesn’t mean you should spend it. At this stage you should also consider how large of a downpayment you will put down on the home and get your finances organized accordingly.

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Once you are prequalified for a mortgage, we will meet to discuss your goals and requirements and discuss the home buying process in detail to ensure you are comfortable and prepared. Visualize your dream home and consider what factors will suit your lifestyle, not only in the home’s design but as it relates to location, neighbourhood, access to schools and parks, etc. Once we have a clear picture of needs and wants, we will set up a custom home search and you will start to receive listings from the MLS (Multiple Listing Service) platform of available homes matching your criteria.

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We select homes that appeal to you from the available inventory on the MLS network then book appointments to visit the properties. We will walk through homes to assess them, identify the pros and cons and compare them to other available listings. We patiently guide you through this process, visiting as many homes as necessary and lending our professional opinion as it relates to value and potential concerns on the premices.

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Make an Offer

When you want to proceed with making an offer, we will determine a fair market value by assessing similar recently sold properties, comparing other available listings and what features they offer, analyzing the home’s condition, and considering market trends as they relate to supply and demand. We will strategize an offer price, terms, possession date, and state your conditions which may include inspection or financing.

I am so thankful for how patient, kind, positive, and attentive Sherelle was to me during the home selling and buying process. Sherelle blew me away with her genuine support and expertise.

Sandy, Seller & Buyer

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Once the offer is received, the seller will respond to accept, reject, or counter it. Countering is where negotiation begins, and common counters from sellers include asking for a higher purchase price, changing a possession date, or shorterning the conditions period. As your REALTOR®, we will help you navigate the negotiation process by explaining all factors and advising you honestly with your best interests at the forefront.

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Conditions Period

Once the offer is accepted by both parties, we enter the conditions period which is an agreed upon amount of time for you to carry out your conditions which may include performing an inspection, selling your current property or confirming renovation costs. Once the conditions are met successfully and the agreed upon date arrives, you will sign a waiver to lift your conditions, making the sale official.

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The property is now officially sold! Start packing your belongings and preparing for possession day. This preparation includes setting up utilities and internet, organizing movers, initiating mail forwarding, and updating insurance.

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Possession Day

A few days before possession day, also called closing day, you will meet with your lawyer to complete paperwork and get your downpayment prepared. On possession day, the lawyers for both the buyer and seller will file their paperwork to transfer funds and officially change land title. The keys to your new home are delivered to your by your REALTOR® around midday. Welcome home!

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